Friday, November 9, 2012

An AMAZING book!

I just got done reading an AMAZING, three-chapter, 99 cent book, and it really opened my eyes to some scriptural principles that I knew, but wasn't putting into practice in my life.  I really wanted to recommend it to you guys.  It's called the Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness.  It's a book by Timothy Keller.  Like I said, it's all of three chapters and a preface with some questions at the end, and it's only 99 for Kindle (you can get the program free on  Mike Pratt, my pastor, recommended it to me, and, seriously, you guys gotta check it out.  It's based on 1 Corinthians 4:1-5, which talks about how Paul's whole identity is in Jesus Christ.  I don't want to spoil the rest, but, if you have 30 minutes to read a great book, you won't be disappointed!